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Flyer Printing in London

05 Feb / 2015 Write By: papercolour Published In: ROOT Hits: 5162 Comment: 5

A flyer also referred to as a flier, leaflet or even a circular or a handbill represents a paper advertisement prepared for large scale circulation, and generally propagated through emails or display in public venues.

Flyers could have several connotations for people, depending on the business they are engaged in. For example, some may use it as a medium to send religious, social or political communication. Others promote a product or a service, and some are used even in the form of airborne distributing leaflets as a psychosomatic tool in times of war or conflict. Flyers have been successfully utilised for distribution in political rallies, or to advertise events, concerts, festivals or what have you. An advantage in using flyers is its low cost and its effective use as a mass communication or marketing tool akin to small posters, pamphlets or postcards.

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